<aside> 😟 Problem: The current code authorities website does not serve the needs of AHJs as the website has complex navigation, unclear and outdated information, inability to contact experts, low conversion rates, and is not mobile-friendly.


<aside> 🎯 Goal: To redesign the code authorities website (MVP) that simplifies accessibility to codes information, latest news, events, and contacting experts.


<aside> 👤 My Role: Research and high-fidelity screens in collaboration with senior designer.


<aside> ⏰ Duration: One month to conduct research and designs for MVP.


<aside> 👥 User Roles: AHJs (Authorities Having Jurisdiction)


About Code Authorities UL Solutions

A community for AHJs in any industry to learn, share, engage and continue building expertise in their field. Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) are governmental or non-governmental entities responsible for enforcing building codes, fire codes, and other regulations in a given jurisdiction. The AHJ is responsible for ensuring that buildings and structures within their jurisdiction are safe for occupants and meet the standards set by the applicable codes and regulations.


Internal Challenges

Foundational Research (Interviews)

Goal: To uncover current pain points and challenges users face in navigating the website and accessing necessary information.